Short Hairstyles

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Follow all this short hair models! They are trendy and stylishe… Follow On instagram: @petra_v1.0 , @nesladimdekuji , @mademoiselle_pixie, @tatiana_lavsky If you want to be a hairdresser, you need resources and money to start your career. There are two main ways to become a successful hairdresser [masterslider id=”2062″] what does an average hairdresser worldwide earn, … [Read more…]

NEW Creations to love

@alexei.fedorko He creates short hairstyles to fall in love with…. Check all below! Follow On Instagram: @alexei.fedorko Below some haircut average costs… [masterslider id=”2061″] What are the prices for a haircut worldwide, Cut & style / bob / metamorphosis – 60 minutes Introduction A haircut is the most basic of all the barber services. A … [Read more…]